Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Do I really want to tear all of this appart?

So...here is the deal. Firstly, someone asked me if I had a track plan recently. I had to say that I didn't because...well..I don't. :)   The first rev of the layout was much smaller. Then, I branched out into another room in my office. THEN, I consolidated the entire thing into the one front space. All of that was done through trail and error track building with the KATO Unitrack. I would build things, try them out, and adjust. LOVED that system. It really worked well with my thinking. However, I didn't think things ALL the way through.


So...my tracks are called out in this YouTube video.

I have some still shots of areas as well.


The problem is - as stated in the video - is that I want to tear everything up and re-group, but I HAVE SO MUCH WORK IN ON THIS IT'S REALLY GOING TO HURT!!!!!!! 

I talked to Tom Barbalet from the most excellent MODEL RAIL RADIO (( If you don't listen, you really should. It's a fantastic podcast! And FREE! ))  and he rally blew me away with his statements. He said that I was a great modeler (Wait....WHAT?!? ME?! :::blush:::) and that tearing up a layout to get something that I REALLY wanted doesn't seem like a problem to him because I'd be able o not only handle the rebuild, but I'd be able to make things better.

I was really blown away by these statements. I have HUGE respect for Tom and to hear him say this really filled me with pride and confidence.

But....there's a lot of work done here.....

It's something I'll be doing a lot of thinking about over the next month or so. I'd love feedback if time allows. It's a big choice. But, if I could tighten things up and be happier with the layout, it migh be well worth the effort.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hobby like no one is watching :)

Hey all!

I'm sick and dealing with two little sickie girls as well, so I'm just going to toss these images up with loose descriptions of what's going on. Hope to be back at things in the near future! Cheers!

New trucks - a tanker and fishery lorry.

I was going to use the Greenmax station kits for a tram station, but ended up using the station from the torn up and out SOYOKAZE RIVER shelf layout instead. 

Original station

Greenmax offering

Old Tomytec station from Soyokaze River

I moved the Greenmax station over to the Soyokaze area for now and the original station over to the industrial section of Kiwamura. 


Just a cute little detail for the whale and shark friendly Soyokaze Harbor. :)    Little rubber animals with styrene bases.


Class in session  :)

